Windows 10 Pro X64 Include Office 16 Update Juni 2017
Windows 10 Pro X64 Include Office 16 Update Juni 2017 : Sedikit berbeda dari sebelumnya, kali ini kita mau share sistem operasi windows yang telah include didalamnya dengan Microsoft Office 2016. Seru banget karena sistem operasi dan office nya telah otomatis teraktivasi setelah sobat selesai meng-instal produk dari windows ini. Buat yang gak pengen ribet instal office, sobat bisa pake Windows 10 Pro X64 Include Office 16 Update Juni 2017 ini.
Windows 10 Pro X64 Include Office 16 Update Juni 2017
Integrated / Pre-installed:
- KB4020001
- KB4020002
- Servicing Stack Update:
- KB4022405
- Flash Player Security Update:
- KB4022730
- Cumulative Update:
- KB4022725
- Office 2016 Pro Plus VL – Updated 2017-05-25
- .NET Framework 3.5
- Windows Defender Updates
- English US
- Windows 10 Pro incl Office16 – STD
- Windows 10 Pro incl Office16 – KMS
- STD = Standard installation for those with own licenses
- KMS = Activation by KMS (Exclusions are pre-set in Defender)
- UEFI-ready
- (Use attached Rufus USB-tool to make UEFI-bootable)
- install.wim splitted for UEFI support (FAT32)
- Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset 10 (Microsoft DaRT)
- Windows 10 Pro X64 Include Office 16 Update Juni 2017 (4downfiles)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] - Windows 10 Pro X64 Include Office 16 Update Juni 2017 (Uptobox)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] - Windows 10 Pro X64 Include Office 16 Update Juni 2017 (Google Drive)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] - Password :
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