Visual Studio Code 1.9.0

Visual Studio Code 1.9.0 ini cocok banget buat kalian download. dimana software ini berstatus Freeware atau gratis sehingga kalian tidak membutuhkan Patch, Crack, ataupun Keygen. didalam Visual Studio Code ini, kalian bisa dengan mudah mengerjakan bahasa Pemrograman seperti C++, C#, Python, HTML dan PHP. sehingga memudahkan kalian yang sedang belajar Coding, ataupun memang memiliki tugas tentang bahasa Pemrograman.
buat kalian yang mungkin sedang mengambil konsentrasi jurusan IT ataupun sedang belajar koding,


Download :
  • Password : | Status : Tested (Windows 10 64bit)
What’s New on 1.9.0?
  • New Welcome page – Whether you are a new or returning user, the Welcome page helps get you started quickly.
  • Interactive Playground – Try out VS Code’s advanced editing features without creating files or a project.
  • Synchronized Markdown Preview – Coupled view of a Markdown preview and its editor.
  • Format on Paste – Format source code as soon as you bring it into your project.
  • Language specific settings – Customize your settings for specific languages.
  • TypeScript references CodeLens – VS Code ships with TypeScript 2.1.5 and now includes References CodeLens.
  • Single file debugging – Debug without a configuration file to enable quick debugging of single files.
  • Inline variables display – See variable values inline while debugging.
  • Expanded Node.js debugging configurations – Easily debug Mocha tests, gulp tasks and even Yeoman generators.
  • Improved task running support – Run multiple commands from the same task.
  • and more
Cara Install
  1. Extract file yang sudah di download menggunakan WinRAR
  2. Jalankan VSCodeSetup-1.9.0.exe
  3. Tunggu hingga selesai
  4. Finish, and enjoy

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